Global Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity in Light of the Imposition of COVID-19 Vaccines

Global Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity in Light of the Imposition of COVID-19 Vaccines

Sourour TALBI (JiL Scientific Research Center)


The right to physical integrity is one of the most fundamental human rights, which has raised many interpretations about its concept, limits and scope, especially when it is linked to sexual freedom.

Despite the objection of religious texts and moral principles, the global trend towards the liberation of women and   Gender perspective has compelled governments to enact laws and take strict measures to ensure compliance of this right in all fields of life.

But following the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, then its variants, this right is subject to the discretion of the health authorities, which have led some governments to force their citizens to take vaccines based on new technologies and still in development and clinics trial.

The study concluded that these vaccines are adapted to medical experiments that cannot be imposed, whatever the pretext or tools.

 Keywords: Physical Integrity – personal rights – COVID19 – vaccinations – Global Violation.

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